The Sinnoh Cup tier list in Pokemon Go
Prototype via Niantic
The Sinnoh Cup in Pokémon Go is an splendid opportunity to try out some Battle League combinations yous unremarkably wouldn't use in a traditional format. In this competition, you lot are but immune to utilise any Pokémon from #387 to #493, specifically from the Sinnoh region, as the cup title implies. In addition, none of these Pokémon can exceed i,500 CP, limiting your choices even further. Nosotros'll cover the tier list for the Sinnoh Cup in Pokémon Go in this guide.
The Sinnoh Loving cup will be aslope the Great League contest from January 10 to 24.
Sinnoh Cup tier list
Lead tier list
The Lead Pokémon will be the offset option that you use confronting your opponent. You desire to make a selection with decent defensive stats and enough assault power to deal some damage during a fight. You lot typically want to reserve at to the lowest degree one shield for them, or y'all can cull to use none of them. These are all of the best Pokémon that we've ranked in the Atomic number 82 role for the Sinnoh Cup.
Tier | Pokémon |
S | Drifblim, Froslass, Gastrodon, Lucario, Magnezone, Pachirisu, Togekiss, and Toxicroak |
A | Abomasnow, Drifloon, Electivire, Garchomp, Gliscor, Gippowdon, Luxray, and Roserade |
B | Bastiodon, Cherrim, Cresselia, Drapion, Gallade, Honchkrow, Monferno, and Skuntank |
C | Bronzong, Grotle, Magmortar, Mamoswine, Matyke, Probopass, Tangrowth, and Torterra |
D | Azelf, Bibarel, Dusknoir, Glaceon, Rhyperior, Shellos, Spirtomb, and Uxie |
Switch tier list
The Switch Pokémon role is the pick that you'll bandy out for your first Pokémon. You may want to use this Pokémon to serve equally a counter to any Pokémon that will shell your Lead Pokémon or acts as the counter for all of your Pokémon options. You lot typically desire to reserve both of your shields for your Switch choice, or at least one of them. These are some of the all-time Pokémon to use for the Switch role.
Tier | Pokémon |
S | Abomasnow, Cresselia, Drapion, Electivire, Lucario, Luxray, Magnezone, and Munchlax |
A | Bonsly, Empoleon, Froslass, Gallade, Garchomp, Gliscor, Hippowdon, and Lickilicky |
B | Electivire, Leafeon, Magmortar, Monferno, Pachirisu, Skuntank, Togekiss, and Toxicroak |
C | Bibarel, Drifblim, Kricketune, Probopass, Purugly, Torterra, Tangrowth, Vespiquen |
D | Ambipom, Glaceon, Grastrodon, Honchkrow, Infernape, Mamoswine, Roserade, and Spirtomb |
Closer tier listing
The concluding listing covers all of the Closing Pokémon. The Pokémon in this role will be the final choice you use against your opponent, so y'all want them to have uncommonly high defenses and to exist the bulkiest pick in your line-up. It also helps to make sure they can do some heavy harm too. These Pokémon do not require any shields to be helpful in a boxing. These are the all-time Pokémon you can place in the Closer role.
Tier | Pokémon |
S | Bastiodon, Electivire, Froslass, Gallade, Gastrodon, Lickilicky, Lucario, and Uxie |
A | Bronzong, Gliscor, Infernape, Magmortar, Magnezone, Pachirisu, Toxicroak, Wormadam |
B | Abomasnow, Drapion, Empoleon, Hippowdon, Honchkrow, Luxray, Skuntank, and Spirtomb |
C | Bibarel, Carnivine, Drifblim, Dusknoir, Mamoswine, Probopass, Staraptor, and Tangrowth |
D | Dusknoir, Leafeon, Lumineon, Monferno, Rhyperior, Torterra, Vespiquen, and Weavile, |
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